2018 Home Goal Setting,
2018 Home Goal Setting
December 13, 2017
Mortgage Rate 1971 through 2017
Average mortgage interest rate 1971 through 2017
February 2, 2018
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Stop Making Your Home Ownership Goals Compete with Others

Home Ownership Goals!

Home Ownership Goals!

The fastest ways to make progress on goals is to eliminate the other distractions. Goal achievers focus on one goal at a time.  Progress comes much more quickly when focusing on one thing because you are now fully committed to a goal that was only getting limited attention in the past.

When individuals fail to reach our goals, they may think something was wrong with their goal or approach. What we really need is not bigger goals, but better focus. Choose one thing and ruthlessly eliminate everything else from the list.

 “You don’t need more time, you just need to decide.” Seth Godin

Our goals need to be consistently trimmed down. It’s natural for new goals to come into our lives and get excited about new opportunities.  If we can eliminate competing goals, we will have more time to focus on the goals that are more important.

Goal Stacking

When goal setters make a specific plan for when, where, and how they will perform the behavior they are 2X-3X more likely to achieve them.   They should clearly write down the system that will achieve the goal.

I will spend the ½ hour exercising every day at 6:30 am at the gym or basement.

If a goal setter states when, where, and how they intend to implement a particular behavior. It is much more likely they will follow through on the plan. One of my favorite ways to utilize this finding is a strategy I call habit stacking. Here are some great examples of goal stacking:

  • While I brew my morning coffee, I will meditate for 1 minute.
  • Before I take my morning shower, I will do 100 pushups.
  • After I set my toothbrush down, I will floss my teeth.
  • Before I eat dinner, I will say one thing I am grateful for that day.
  • After I return from my lunch break, I will send one email to someone I want to meet.

Habit stacking works because there are specific plans for the system that will help someone take the small steps that lead to achieving the big goals.   Ready to make the mortgage process? Try Mortgage in a SNAP.