Home Ownership

November 18, 2020

4 Real-World Mortgage 1 Refinance Success Stories

With mortgage rates near record lows, many borrowers are taking advantage of refinancing. If you are considering refinancing but wondering if it could actually help, here are real-world examples of how Mortgage 1 clients used refinancing to improve their financial status, make dreams come true, […]
November 10, 2020

The Measurable and Immeasurable Benefits of Home Ownership

“What’s the Benefit of Owning a House?”  In 1994, Mortgage 1 helped a young couple purchase their first house. They were one of our first customers. Three years later, we helped them buy their second home. The couple emailed us recently. They remain Mortgage 1 […]
November 4, 2020

Joe Migliaccio and Mortgage 1 Downriver: Award-Winning & “Best of the Best”

“The members of the Mortgage 1 Downriver branch are true rock stars, individually and collectively. They are community-oriented, involved in charities at the local level, and always put the customer first.” – Mark Workens, Mortgage 1 CEO Downriver: Historic and On the Rise For those […]
October 27, 2020

10 Facts Home Buyers Should Know – And Why They Matter

We live in a data-driven society. Numbers tell a story, but not always the full story. In this article, we’ve compiled 10 interesting and insightful home buying and home ownership stats. More importantly, we provide explanations for why the numbers are important and what they […]