
April 20, 2018
Rent Vs Own

7 Reasons to Own a Home

7 Reasons to Own a Home. With the homes for sale inventory at historically low levels and the home buying season is in full swing. First time home shoppers are becoming frustrated and giving up looking for a home opting to rent for another year.  Here […]
April 3, 2018
3 Ways to Get Your Home Offer Noticed

3 Ways to Get Your Home Offer Noticed

3 Ways to Get Your Home Offer Noticed. Spring came early this year in the housing market. It is something that current home shoppers already know. With home buying at full Speed for any homes under $200,000, the competition is fierce!  What is the best […]
March 7, 2018

7 Earnest Money Deposit Tips

As buyers gear up for the summer home buying season, questions regarding the earnest money deposit always pop up. Here are 7 tips for 2018 homebuyers regarding earnest money deposits. How much should you offer? It depends on what is typical for your area. Keep […]
March 1, 2018
A good credit scores means great mortgage rates. Mortgage 1.

How to Spring Clean Your Credit Score

With spring here, people start thinking about cleaning around the home. If you are thinking about moving or refinancing this summer, spring is the perfect time to clean up your credit. Here are 3 ways spring clean your credit score. Get the balances down. A […]